Last night, while not sleeping for the umpteenth time in a row, I had a breakdown. My eyes started to water and I sat up in bed scolding my six month old to please please please let mommy sleep. I actually shook my finger at him questioning what was wrong with him to wake up every 45 minutes by hitting me and tossing and turning. (At this point in the night, the idea of him being in the crib was too far fetched and he was in bed with mommy and daddy.) Aaron looked at me like I had a hole in my head for talking to Connor like that, but I was so exhausted I didn't know what else to do.
I am literally exhausted and vowed that something, SOMETHING, could be done. I'm not asking for 10 hours (like my friend Marissa and her baby Barrett who came out of the womb peacefully giving 8-10 hours a night of sound sleep), but I'd like maybe 4. Is that too much to ask? So Marissa let me borrow two sleep books, (that she never had to use haha) and my other friend Alana let me borrow one as well. I'm working on the No-Cry-Sleep Solution now and am going to do all the necessary logs tomorrow. This method involves writing down all sleep schedules to see patterns. We shall see how it goes. It says that while it takes time to see progress, indeed progress can happen. She even gave the example of what her 12 month old was doing. He was up every 1.5 hours, something I can definitely relate to, and by the end of her method he was sleeping that holy grail of 10 hours! Shocking!
Please keep your fingers crossed for me because I am in desperate need of some sleep.
Hang in there! Healthy Sleep Habits Healthy Child was my go to book. But eventually we had to let Liam cry it out. Super painful! But sleep really does beget sleep.