Well Connor started solid food!!
First up was bananas and he loved loved loved them! He gobbled them up and wanted more. He got them for four days. (Following the "four day rule" of introducing foods)
Here are some pics of him loving bananas!
Getting ready for some big boy food! And note Stoli ready by his side in case anything drops!
But then today we tried Avocado. I must admit that I never grew up eating this, but once I moved to New Mexico, I started eating it and love it! It's yummy and so good for you. Connor, though, did not think it was so great.
What in the world is this Mommy??
We are going to try avocado again tomorrow and the next two days after that. I've read sometimes babies don't like a food one day and love it the next. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
Awwww how cute! Connor has some long arms....wonder if he's going to be tall...your hubby looks veryyyy tall! Good luck experimenting with foods :)