Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sea of Red

As my baby Connor sleeps, I cry.  Cry over the red sweep taking over America.  What in the world is going on in this country that Tea Party idiots can get any votes and candidates supporting big business interests convince everyday people that they have their best interest?  I'm sad over the conservative trend going on in this country.  You might say it's just the mommy hormones that are getting me, but no, I've always been this passionate.  Apparently more educated people need to get passionate though!  Most news channels are saying how 25% of the voters were over 65.  Why in the world are the people over 65 deciding the future of this country?  Old people voting  Where are the young people?  That is who should be concerned about the future!  Obama got us rallied up in 2008, but couldn't do it now.  (Well a little bit in California because pot was on the table.)  We only made up 10% of the voters this time around, instead of 18%. 

This was on top of another article I read about the first anti-feminist rally in Switzerland.  (gotta love the neutral Swiss)  The group consists of mostly divorced (shocking) men who are pissed about custody battles.  They claim that want to go back to "normal".  What exactly is "normal" in their minds?  Women having no legal rights to children? Women being subordinate in every way so men have all the power and decision making?  I seriously hope that those men never get laid again.

In all of this, I'm raising my little boy as a stay at home mom trying to complete a Ph.D.  What kind of world is he growing up in? 

All I know now is that the country would look much better in blue...

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